Changing The Birth Story

Women are amazing. their bodies are capable of creating another human being and bringing it into the world instinctively, But the over-medicalization of childbirth has made it challenging for women to give birth to their babies, They are told to lay on their back and aren’t able to get into a comfortable position, using gravity…

forgetful mind

My mind in chaos – where is that scrap note I jotted down a line of poetry on? my life somehow depends on finding those words those words will change my life, I’m sure. those words are so important… and yet, not quite important enough that I remembered them- or remember where I wrote them….


Time, is so important. We feel we have such an abundance of time that it begins to feel insignificant How much existence slips by before we will reserve a moment to invest in our joy? Or vis versa How much aliveness do we consume in pleasure; without generating significance. In order to achieve immensely inspired…

The Final Stretch

This year has been incredibly rocky. I started the year by being denied to the nursing program at McMaster University. I was devastated by this and after taking two years off school I had no backup plan. after deliberating on what to do, I decided to apply to pre-health programs at colleges, planning to attain…

The boy covered in glass

I was a girl and my feet were tied down by weeds. They climbed up my legs and covered my body and my hair hung matted against my face shadows filled my face and darkness hung over my head I had spent years cutting back the weeds but they grew faster than I cut them…

what is life ~a poem

life is a treasure; it’s hidden by the lie that you will find pleasure if you indulge in it’s timeline life can be fear and life can be pain but don’t shed a tear because it’s not all in vain life is a treaure life can be good it won’t last forever I don’t think…

Frightful times

As schools move to online education and grocery stores begin to close, tensions become high all over the world. I hope that in all this chaos we can understand the fragility of this world we live in. It is crazy to see how this has unfolded and breathtaking the rate at which a community can…

So I’ve started therapy

I am doing well I am happy I am healthy I am also human and I think it’s good to talk; about what makes you feel strong, what makes you feel weak. I want to be stronger; a better version of myself. I want to learn skills about how to deal with stress when it…

I’ve Started a Graditude Journal

here is what I wrote in it today: writing feeding my cheeto ( the most enthusiastic fish ever – more excited to eat than me – which is saying something..) good food ‘bad’ food feeling conneced with others (close ones, strangers) spiritual growth (meditation, freedom, peace) feeling so cozy in bed that I don’t want…