Frightful times

As schools move to online education and grocery stores begin to close, tensions become high all over the world.

I hope that in all this chaos we can understand the fragility of this world we live in.

It is crazy to see how this has unfolded and breathtaking the rate at which a community can go from active and functioning to a ghost town.

I hope that everyone stays safe, remember to use this time to reflect and take care of yourself.

Life is a fragile thing and we should all be greatful for the precautions that have been taken thus far even as we are reminded in my location that our risks are still ‘low’.

I hope that everyone feels safe and okay and remember that even if you are staying inside to take care of your body, move around, and stay active, take baths, shower even if you have no place to be. It can be easy to remain in a state of television and greasy hair but it is important to keep your mind and body busy to ward of depression and anxiety.

I hope you are all well,

Take care.

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