Live fully; Love often

Be naturally good natured be habitually forgiving be automatically honest be instinctively generous be thoughtlessly caring be forgiving of your faults make laughter your default make happy your autopilot make away with your bad days let your attitude be the latitude you climb to don’t settle for your yesterdays, todays or tomorrows live fully love…

Notes on a Sunny Day in Quarantine

When I was in the first grade, a teacher gave us a homework assignment in the early months of spring to go outside and notice the changes that were occurring. I for one took this assignment to its greatest lengths, documenting the budding tresses and sprouting tulips as they came into being. I noticed as…

My Midwifery School Vows

In Midwifery I know there will be ups and downs and I won’t always be grateful and filled with passion the way I want to be, but as a reminder to myself, I am writing these vows; so that if I am ever feeling worn out, tired and restless, I can read these words and…

Midwifery Student Inbound

One of the most amazing moments of my life so far, was this week when I received admission into the Midwifery Program at McMaster University. I am beyond thrilled, grateful, and overjoyed. Getting to start talking to my future classmates over Facebook has been exciting and heartwarming. Getting to share the news with family and…

Why I Want to be a Midwife

I want to support women in the most exciting moments of their lives.But even more than that, I want to support women in the most heartbreaking moments of their lives, when things don’t go well, and when they require support the most.I want to make a successful birth mean more than having no casualties.I want…

Socially Distant

Life lessons learned while I live alone, finding myself through a fearfull glow. brush strokes and sketches in candle light, Music and hot tea with pure delight. reading and learnign and growing, weaving, crafting and sowing. singing and dancing and stretching my limbs, quiet meditation and lights gone dim. writing and walking and grand creation,…

I am.

Does this mistake define me? Am I good enough? If I fail again am I not enough? If I can’t succeed in this area does that make me not smart? What defines that? What will I let define me? My failures, they are definitley apart of me; but maybe they are not all of me….


I’m starting to see.. the things in life that really matter, why I feel the way I do, why I am afraid, I’m starting to undertsand my parents. forgive them. forgive myself. I am good. I am safe. life is beautiful, and there is hope. New growth is pushing through the surface and I need…

Words are Moments

Do you ever expereince a vague memory of a story or a quote or song and become obsessed with finding it again? You almost remember the words but can’t quite grasp them- can’t remember the idea or meaning, but you remember how you felt when you read them. this feeling is frustrating and captivating. A longing to…

This is for you

You might not realize this, but you are good You may be worn and misunderstood Sometimes you cheat and steal and lie You do bad things and ask yourself why. You are imperfect but you’re still fine You are mostly honest and caring and kind Just a choice can make you feel small – But…